10 Ways to Give to Downtown Excelsior Springs
In honor of kicking off 2017 with a bang, we put together a list of ways (large and small) you can give back to the heart of Excelsior Springs. We strive to make the most of every volunteer hour, investment dollar and gift of expertise. Thank you for all you do!
#1 – Be Our Boots on the Ground
Sometimes we need people to deliver posters to businesses and sometime we need people to grill hot dogs. We have lots of odd jobs and can always find one to fit your needs!
#2 – Donate
We have many opportunities to become an InVeSTor in the Downtown Excelsior Partnership including annual giving and monthly giving options, which can both be done in person or through our website.
#3 – Pour Beer
Have you always secretly dreamt of being a bartender? We know…us too! Make your dream come true by volunteering at one of our events in one of the beer tents.
#4 – Sponsor an Event
We host an event each month in Downtown Excelsior Springs and sponsoring an event is a great way to reach thousands of local families and individuals.
#5 – Shop Local
Many people exercised their right to #ShopSmall last November during Small Business Saturday, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop there. Consider making your purchase at our locally-owned shops and restaurants and watch our downtown grow!
#6 – Clean Up
See trash on the sidewalk? Throw it away. Help keep our downtown clean! We can also accommodate larger group projects if you are into that sorta thing!
#7 – Join a Committee
We may be partial, but we think that the Downtown Excelsior Partnership has the best volunteers and committees. Consider serving on one of our event committees or on one of the four main organizational committees (Design, Economic Vitality, Organization and Promotions).
#8 – Volunteer
Help out with our large events like the Mardi Gras & Irish Festival or Wine Festival. Volunteer opportunities include set-up, crowd control and clean up!
#9 – Attend an Event
Remember all those events we talked about where you can be a volunteer? You can also come enjoy them as a guests and be reminded of how great our little town can be! Check our Facebook page or website for upcoming events.
#10 – Tag Us
Make sure to use the hashtag #DowntownES when you are sharing photos on social media or check in to Downtown Excelsior Springs, Missouri. We love to see all the fun things you’re doing in downtown! Find us on Instagram too at @downtown_esmo.