Changes Coming To Downtown Soon : ARPA Facade Grant Program Awards $57,828.88
The Downtown Excelsior Partnership, Inc. (DEP) received $50,000 of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) from the City of Excelsior Springs to administer a facade grant program for the businesses and property owners located within the Historic District in Downtown Excelsior Springs.
This program is an extension of the Facade Grant Program offered each year by DEP. Program goals included the following:
- Improving the physical appearance and structural integrity of historic buildings in the Downtown Excelsior Springs Historic District.
- Restoring the historic character of buildings in the Downtown Excelsior Springs Historic District.
- Making Downtown Excelsior Springs more attractive to residents and tourists.
- Encouraging additional business investment opportunities and improvements.
Applicants were able to apply for the ARPA Facade Grant Program to receive a 50% match.
50% of an approved bill for signage, maximum $1,500
50% of an approved bill for awnings, maximum $2,500
50% of an approved bill for facade improvements, maximum $5,000
DEP received 18 ARPA Facade Grant applications is pleased to announce that all 18 applications were awarded. While only receiving $50,000 from the City, the DEP Board of Directors voted to fund all projects adding an additional $7,828.77 of DEP’s dollars to the awarded projects. Executive Director, Lyndsey M. Baxter, stated “DEP is really looking forward to the impact these dollars will make toward the streetscape aesthetics of Downtown Excelsior Springs. By increasing the grant match in all categories for this program, we were really able to create change. I’m looking forward to seeing these improvements take place over the next 12 months.”
Projects funded include 5 Awning Grants, 3 Signage Grants, and 10 Facade Improvement Grants at 14 different locations in Downtown Excelsior Springs. This grant opportunity will result in a private building investment of $130,144.42.