Discover Downtown

Christmas Kick Off In Downtown Excelsior Springs

The annual Christmas Kick Off in Downtown Excelsior Springs is something you do not want to miss!  If you are looking for a fun and festive, small town way to start off your holiday season this is definitely it!  Tomorrow is an amazing effort by so many community groups and local businesses!  Take a look below to see the days line up and all that you, family and friends can experience all in the comfort of Downtown Excelsior Springs!

Downtown Holiday Open Houses


Join the Downtown Excelsior Partnership visiting the merchants of Downtown Excelsior Springs for the Holiday Open Houses! This is a great time to get started or continue your holiday shopping! This is the weekend where all of our merchants will showcase all they have to offer and give great specials and shopping bonuses too! Make sure to spend the day shopping and dining and stick around for the Lighted Christmas Parade and Mayor’s Christmas Tree Lighting that evening!  For more information about specials inside of specific businesses, please visit our Facebook Event.
Downtown Holiday Open Houses

Pictures with Santa

pictures-with-santaPictures with Santa will be available at Lewis Elementary from 2:00 to 5:30 on Saturday.

Lighted Parade

After you have spent the day enjoying the shops and restaurants of Excelsior Springs make sure to stick around for the Lighted Christmas Parade sponsored by the Excelsior Springs Christmas Committee!  There’s no better way to welcome to holiday season than with lighted vehicles, trailers and so much more!  The parade will begin at 6:00 pm and the Mayor’s Christmas Tree Lighting will follow!
Make sure to get here early and secure your watching spot on Broadway Street!

Hall of Trees Grand Opening


After you’ve seen all of the wonderful and festive parade entries stroll through Downtown, join us in the Hall of Waters to view the beautiful Hall of Trees.  All of the various trees are sponsored by local area businesses.  Job Corp will also be present at this event handing out free cookies and punch.

Lane Of Lights Grand Opening


Before you leave Downtown Excelsior Springs, you must make sure to travel through the beautiful East Valley Park on Lover’s Lane.  The Excelsior Springs Christmas Committee works extremely hard to get this beautiful display set up and ready to entertain throughout the entire holiday seasons.  And this year they have added a lot of fantastic new displays!