City of Excelsior Springs Proclamation
WHEREAS, the Downtown Excelsior Partnership (DEP) was formed in 2006 by local businesses, individuals, and downtown building owners to build and create a vibrant and prosperous downtown, guiding and promoting the development of the historic downtown as a community anchor and destination; and
WHEREAS, Lyndsey Baxter has been the Executive Director of the Downtown Excelsior Partnership since 2015, and DEP has accomplished the recognition as a Nationally Accredited Main Street American Community for the past five years; and
WHEREAS, the entire community of Excelsior Springs benefits from a productive downtown area, which has been driven by the events hosted by DEP, its board and volunteers and Executive Director Lyndsey Baxter; and
WHERERAS, the Downtown Excelsior Partnership has been an integral part of the success and revitalization of the downtown businesses throughout the years, especially during the pandemic; and
WHEREAS, the Downtown Excelsior Partnership has steered tourists and visitors, as well as locals to the downtown area as an entertaining gathering place, promoting positive economic development while maintaining our unique historic identity.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Sharon Powell, Mayor of the City of Excelsior Springs, Missouri do hereby honor the Downtown Excelsior Partnership and Executive Director Lyndsey Baxter for the dedication, progress and improvements made in the downtown area of Excelsior Springs, Missouri.
SO DONE this 15th day of September, 2022.
Sharon Powell, Mayor