Discover Downtown

DEP Receives $1,245 Grant for Visual Asset Procurement


The Downtown Excelsior Partnership (DEP), an organization leading the grassroots effort to revitalization in Downtown Excelsior Springs and driving Downtown forward, received a $1,245.00 grant on June 20, 2018.  The grant was endowed by the Missouri Division of Tourism for the purpose of Visual Asset Procurement to assist in further developing tourism marketing resources.

The goal of the project is the allow DEP to grow their existing marketing library with video images, something they have no had access to before.  Another goal is for this Visual Asset Procurement to create videos showcasing the culture of Downtown Excelsior Springs, Missouri.  Videography has become a dominating factor in marketing efforts and has the ability to better appeal to potential visitors.

Executive Director, Lyndsey M. Baxter stated, “Once we have completed all six videos, we will be able to use them for an extended period of time on various marketing platforms to showcase the community of Downtown Excelsior Springs, as well as our Visit Excelsior campaign.  There are multiple reasons this project is needed in our community.  Video is truly taking a leading role in content marketing and especially destination marketing.  By adding video to our marketing we are going to improve our search engine optimization and gain better consumer attention and engagement through relatability.  It is also proven you can capture your viewer’s or potential consumer’s attention for longer spans when using video.  Ultimately, our marketing will become more accessible, as well as more user friendly since we will better be able to establish emotional connections.  We are extremely fortunate to have received this grant from the Missouri Division of Tourism.  DEP’s partnership with them has truly transformed our ability to be this community’s tourism advocate.”

The Downtown Excelsior Partnership will be working with Sticky Wicket Media to complete this Visual Asset Procurement.  Completion of this project is scheduled for late winter of 2019.

For questions or more information regarding this press release, please contact DEP Executive Director, Lyndsey M. Baxter, at