Dubious Claims Brewing Co. Celebrity Bartender Program Named State Semifinalist for Outstanding Economic Impact
The Downtown Excelsior Partnership, Inc. nominated Dubious Claims Brewing Co.’s Celebrity Bartender Program for the 2020 Missouri Main Street Connection Evening of Excellence Awards for the most Outstanding Economic Impact Award in the State of Missouri and they have been named a semifinalist! As a reminder, we will be hosting a watch party at Dubious Claims Brewing Co. and on our Downtown Excelsior Springs, Missouri Facebook page on Thursday, July 30th at 7:00 PM! Tune in and see if they win!
Here is the nomination that was submitted to celebrate their accomplishments with the Celebrity Bartender Program … check it out!
It was just about three years ago that Neil fell for Downtown Excelsior Springs and decided to make us his home for Dubious Claims Brewing Co. And it was just a little over two years ago he opened his doors to the public. In those two years his continued growth has been substantial and so has his popularity with the locals and tourists, too. As in many small towns, there are always several not for profits or groups with community causes coming to the businesses with their hands out for donations and sponsorships. And as we all know, major brewery start-up costs are no joke. Neil just didn;’t feel that he was in a position to give and give and give again, but he truly has become an active member of this Excelsior Springs community and he was determined to find a way to give back to the community that was supporting his business and his dream. It was at that time; he came up with the concept of having Celebrity Bartenders.
The Celebrity Bartender program allowed Neil to invite individuals from different not for profits and various community causes to come bartend at Dubious Claims Brewing Co. for a night and all of the tips and donations raised were given to the Celebrity Bartender’s cause. Not only did this program help our community’s causes, but it helped Dubious Claims Brewing Co., too! Each Celebrity Bartender night was strategifcally scheduled for a Thursday evening, which had typically been slower than normal nights at the brewery. With the implementation of those Celebrity Bartender nights, Neil was able to increase DCBC’s Thursday night sales by 75%, which also meant more hours and work for his employees.
However, while the economic impact of this program was good for Neil, it has nothing on the benefits it had for our community causes. Celebrity Bartenders included teachers raising money for after prom, a group raising money for community banners, the Police Department raising funds for the Shop with a Cop program, event fireworks and DEP’s very own new pocket park and that’s just to name a few! Through these efforts, our community groups have been able to raise of $91,300 for our causes. That amount is completely from donations and tips made for our Celebrity Bartenders and our causes. Through this program there have been so many great things get funded and become realities for our community! There is so much pride in this program that when you first enter the doors of Dubious Claims Brewing Co. you will see a “Wall of Fame” that celebrate all of the celebrity bartender nights!
Each Celebrity Bartender night is a great night to be in Downtown Excelsior Springs and especially at Dubious Claims Brewing Co. The changes you see a City Councilman dancing on the bar to get extra tips from the Mayor are pretty high and you might even witness community leaders dressed as the Village People performing the Y.M.C.A.
This program has truly been so impactful on the efforts of our community and has provided many organizations with the ability to raise money that they would have never seen before. We consider ourselves extremely fortunate that Neil and Christy and Dubious Claims Brewing Co. provides many of us with this opportunity to further the betterment of our beloved Excelsior Springs.