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ES Wells Committee donates to project

The Excelsior Springs Well Committee, a group with a vision to support the development of the historic well and spring sites in Excelsior Springs, Missouri, is giving back to the community with a donation of $2,500 to the Superior Well Ticket Office project.

The Excelsior Springs Well Committee has been restoring well sites and building pagodas on those well sites throughout Excelsior Springs. The committee’s forward momentum was stalled last year during the 10 Highway bridge reconstruction project. During that time the Superior Well Ticket Office project came to full fruition. While considering how best to move forward, committee members believed that it would be a good choice to donate a portion of their funds in order to assist the Superior Well Steering Committee.

According to committee member Betty Bissel, “The Well Committee is pleased to be able to participate in this worthy project.” Through conversations within the meeting all committee members felt that this contribution was in line with their overall group vision.

Head of the Superior Well Steering Committee, Janet Blauvelt, thanked the committee for their generosity with this donation. For more information on the Superior Well project, please contact Janet Blauvelt at or the Excelsior Springs Museum & Archives at