Former Mayor, Sharon Powell, Named Semifinalist for Outstanding Public Official Award

The Downtown Excelsior Partnership, Inc. would like to nominate Sharon Powell for the 2023 Outstanding Public Official Award.
It was on a hot summer August night back in 2015 when the conversation started about the City Council having a presence on the Downtown Excelsior Partnership, Inc. Board of Directors. At the time, Sharon Powell volunteered to serve as the City Council Liaison for the organization. From that moment, DEP had a complete supporter and ally in our downtown revitalization efforts.
Regardless of the task at hand, Sharon was always willing to lend a helping hand. Sometimes it was serving pancakes or preparing center pieces for the annual dinners, other times it was spreading mulch on clean up days. Sharon has attended every event hosted by the Downtown Excelsior Partnership, Inc. in one capacity or another. She has proven time and time again to not only be our cheerleader, but also our advocate. She has helped our organization receive nearly $250,000 in the last two years from the City of Excelsior Springs to implement programming that improves our downtown district.
Sharon Powell started her career by serving thirty years in education and retired as an elementary school principal in 2008. She then began injecting her positive energy into the community by being appointed to the Parks and Recreation Board, where she served as Board President, leading the Community Center Steering Committee, resulting in our amazing Excelsior Springs Community Center, and involving herself further in the community by serving on the City Council of Excelsior Springs.
Sharon has actively established herself as a community leader through her involvement on City Council and various boards and commissions, having served on the Parks and Recreation Board, Parks Foundation, Downtown Excelsior Partnership, Inc. Community Center Steering Committee, Capital Improvements/Transportation Trust Board Authority, Communities of Excellence, Excelsior Springs Thrive Steering Team, Community for All Ages, and was the first Mayor to recognize Juneteenth by Proclamation.
During Sharon’s time in office, the City of Excelsior Springs as a whole, has thrived, being awarded $32 million in transportation grants and earmarks, a $4.9 million stormwater grant, $1.75 million in sewer relining projects, $1.5 million in bridge repair, a $1 million Save America’s Treasures grant for the nationally important Hall of Waters, achieved Community Center Sales Tax Refunding Revenue Bonds to finance an outdoor pool at the Community Center and cochaired a successful Total Eclipse of the Sun Festival in Downtown Excelsior Springs.
Sharon Powell is known for her influence, persistence, and dedication, establishing herself as a respected member of the community. She is also an active member of the First United Methodist Church, Excelsior Springs Rotary, and P.E.O. Chapter KI. Sharon’s guidance and determination has defined her as a pillar of Excelsior Springs.