It’s Going To Be Another Magical Weekend At The Holiday Homes Tour!

One of our favorite holiday traditions is back again this weekend! It’s time for the Holiday Homes Tour!
The Excelsior Springs Christmas Committee is excited to be featuring five beautifully decorated local homes! This is the perfect event to get into the Christmas spirit if you haven’t already!
You can purchase tickets to the event for $15 until Saturday at 9:00 AM. If you miss your chance, you will also be able to purchase tickets the day of the event for $20. Get your tickets here. We promise, it’s worth every penny!
Check out some of the sneak peeks and learn more about this year’s homeowners!
Holiday Home #1 – Scott & Kristin Duncan

This is Kristin’s very first time being a part of the Holiday Homes Tour in any way. Her decorating style is – “Keep It Simple”.
Decorating is “girls time” at the Duncan house, even though Scott loves to be a part of the decision making. Kristin said “growing up decorating wasn’t a big thing, but we always had a real tree.” While they don’t have a real tree now, she’s replaced that with ALL the trees she can find a space for.
The Rule At This House:
Eat, Drink, Be Merry!
Holiday Home #2 – JD & Dana Edwards

This is Dana’s first time being a home on the Homes Tour, but has attended the event in the past. Dana is happy to be back in her hometown after being away for a while. While away, she enjoyed being a part of the Christmas tour in Odessa, Missouri.
Dana has always enjoyed Christmas and decorating. She has so many happy memories of sharing her home with others during the holiday season. Her most happy memory of Christmas was putting up her first tree after she had her eldest child. She felt as though she decorated for him and could not wait to see the lights in his eyes. Another favorite for Dana is using her great grandmother’s cutter (sleigh) that she used to go across the family farm in Minnesota. It is now displayed and decorated so other can see and enjoy it.
Dana’s Decorating Style Is Traditional & Nostalgic. Ornaments, Gifts & Themes Are Used That Mean Something To Dana & Her Family.
Holiday Home #3 – Bob & Billie Hart

While this is Billie’s first time having her house on the tour, she’s no stranger to attending the event. This isn’t Billie’s full-time house, so she has mixed in some of her old family decorations, with some new. As she has grown older, decorating has not been as much fun as when she had her children and grandchildren helping, but she really thinks this year may be one of her favorites! She has enjoyed decorating this updated 1930 home.
This Old House Is Smiling, Happy To Be All Decorated & Loved
Holiday Home #4 – David & Theresa Stalder

Theresa has attended the Holiday Homes Tour before, but was usually always working hard at the Mineral Water Bowl and unable to attend. She is excited to show off her traditional decorating style when you visit her home this year.
Traditional Christmas Treasures Await You
Holiday Home #5 – Rosemary Tate & Daughter Francine Cole

Rosemary & Francine have toured the previous homes several times and enjoyed it immensely. They say it’s always so fun to see how creative people get with their decorations. Francine doesn’t know if you can put her or her mother’s decorating style into words. They are definitely different styles, but somehow, they manage to blend the two. She jokes that her favorite part of holiday decorating is when it’s done. She loves the colors of the season, the ambiance of the lights on the tree, and a fire going in the fireplace. It is the time of year where families come together and have the opportunity to enjoy quality time with one another. It’s a time to see magic in the children’s eyes, to honor the memories of departed loved ones, and to give thanks to those that are still here.