Accepted at more than ? Downtown Excelsior Springs’ businesses, gift cards are available in any amount between $5 – $500. Available for purchase online and mailed to you or directly to the lucky recipient. Cards may also be picked up or purchased at the Visitor Center in the Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, during business hours.
Visit Excelsior Gift Cards
Freqently Asked Questions
Is there a fee to purchase a Gift Card?
No! DEP does not charge an activation fee. (There is a handling charge of $1.00 if you would like the card mailed.)
What Payment Type(s) are accepted?
Online and phone: Visa, Discover, MasterCard and American Express.
In person: Visa, Discover, MasterCard and American Express, as well as cash.
In what amounts can the Gift Cards be purchased?
The cards can be purchased in any denomination from $5 to $500.
Where is the Gift Card accepted?
The gift card is accepted at more than ? downtown Excelsior Springs businesses. For a complete list of participating merchants, click here.
Does the Gift Card ever expire?
Unless prohibited by law, a $3 maintenance fee will be deducted monthly from your card balance starting on the first day after a one-year period of inactivity. For the card transaction history, visit …. or call ….
Can I place a tip on my Excelsior Springs Gift Card?
Excelsior Springs Gift Card may not be used to pay for tips or other gratuities.
Why was my Card rejected at a participating merchant?
Most likely, your purchase exceeded the amount available on the Gift Card. This can be remedied by asking the merchant to ring in your other form of payment (for the difference) before swiping the Gift Card.
Can't you just email it to me?
Downtown Excelsior Springs Gift Cards are physical cards that function similar to debit/credit cards. Merchants must swipe the card through their Point of Sale System in order to process the payment. Gift Cards must be shipped or picked up at our office.