Opal Wapoo Race Details

Opal Wapoo Race Details page banner photo
  • Race Start: The start will begin with a neutral roll out to the edge of town. Once you hit gravel, let the racing begin!

  • Terrain: The Wapoo will quickly draw you into steep climbs and fast descents which will sustain throughout. Expect 4000 to 7000 of total ascent depending on your chosen distance.

  • Water/Aid Stations: 1-2 stations will be made available depending on your chosen distance. Further information will be provided once routes begin to be finalized.

Course Maps/Navigation

Be prepared to navigate with GPS and/or cue cards (you can download files here). We suggest all riders carry cue-cards in case of device failure – if you plan to use cue cards as your sole method of navigation, you should have some sort of device with an odometer (or that measures distance). A GPS-enabled cycling computer is not required, but keep in mind it is your most reliable source of navigation. Cell phone apps may not be reliable due to being in remote locations with limited cellular service.

The course travels through remote areas where there is not always cell reception.  We will have a sweep vehicle out on the course throughout the day.  DO NOT RELY ON THE SWEEP VEHICLE TO RESCUE YOU IF YOU CANNOT FINISH.  You are responsible for you.

All roads are open to normal traffic during this race.  Please ride using the laws of the road and ride to the right.  We expect riders to avoid taking unnecessary risks in traffic or intersections in order to gain competitive advantages. Nothing is more important than being alert to your own safety.

Support Crews

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you have a support crew or person.  Your crew can meet you at the designated aid station.  Your support team is only allowed on the course for the purpose of picking you up should you not be able to complete the race, resulting in a DNF.  It is imperative that we keep the course as free of traffic as possible.


We recommend a gravel specific or cyclocross bike equipped with 32mm or larger tires, but we wont frown on any human powered bike choice you make.


  • Always Ride Right

  • Chasing dogs are a reality on rural country roads. Be prepared to outride them, squirt them with some water, throw rocks or have a air horn handy

  • This course crosses railroad tracks. Never! challenge a train and look before you cross tracks.

  • Always keep your eyes up the road for oncoming traffic.

  • Good nutrition and hydration are essential and should not be taken lightly.


  • Please call 911.

  • Ray County Ambulance District (816-470-3030)

  • Excelsior Springs Hospital (816-630-6081)

    • 1700 Rainbow Blvd, Excelsior Springs, MO 64024

  • Ray County Memorial Hospital (816-470-5432)

    • 904 Wollard Blvd, Richmond, MO 64085

Opal Wapoo 2024 Race Sponsors
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